
You received this notification to your email address because it is included in our database, which contains all email addresses and Bitcoin wallets where personal data was posted to the public and fraudulent transactions from crypto projects were recorded.

The security service for monitoring personal data of Blockchain has identified several cases of placing personal data in the public domain and fraudulent transactions, as well as cases of payment of inflated commissions for transactions.
Number of your data detected: more than 120.

Crypto transaction database

Number of detected scam transactions: more than 58 Paymentsamount: More than 0.5 bitcoin

Crypto Services Database

Number of identified placements of personal data in the public domain: more than 37. Amount of payments: More than 0.3 bitcoin

Crypto Network Database

Number of identified increased transaction fees: more than 83. Amount of payments: More than 0.009 bitcoin

The full list will be available after submitting your application.

Receive a detailed report on the identified placement of personal data in the public domain, as well as the acceptance of payments in cryptocurrency on the basis of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 0-246 and on the basis of the Law on Combating Cybercrime on the Internet No. A-458-7763, send an application to the Official service for control and payment of Blockchain payments.

Please contact Departament technical support for detailed information.

Blockchain security

Official service for control and paymentspayments Blockchain

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